HVLA Techniques is a theoretical-practical course of Manual Therapy, which makes use of HVLAT (High Velocity Low Amplitude Thrust) manipulation techniques, or the Thrust: rapid mobilization applied to a joint segment, which operates beyond the physiological joint barrier, without overcoming it the anatomical limit.
Thrust techniques are painless and safe, but they must be administered in a specific, measured and targeted way on the segment on which you want to act.
Manipulation with HVLAT techniques, when not contraindicated, allows:
a joint release, often responsible for stiffness and inflammation,
the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters produced in the pituitary gland with high pain relieving and anti-inflammatory power,
reflex pain relief.
The Thrusts object of the course are basic and advanced osteopathic and chiropractic techniques revisited and adapted in daily clinical practice by the course teachers in order to make them simpler, more immediate, effective and easy to learn.


DATE: 10-11-12 JUNE 2022

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